Our structure

The structure of Linkxar Founders Network is much more than the sum of its parts. We have aligned the governance of our network with our strategic choices, and have ensured that this structure supports efficient and effective decision-making.

Linkxar Founders Network is governed by an executive committee comprising four members. The executive committee is the network’s supreme governing body and holds the responsibility of ensuring that the network’s overall mission, strategy, and direction are delivered through an effective framework of both governance and management.

The advisory council has no executive powers, but it does have a very important consultative role and as such it offers a broad forum of debate. Through our commitment to collaboration, integrity and innovation, we’re not just building a network; we’re shaping the future of entrepreneurship.

Join a forward looking and supportive community to get the support to launch, innovate, develop and scale startups.


Executive Committee

Darren Dowds

Birgit Schnell

Imran Choudhry

Gary Haderlein


Advisory Council

Brad Golchin

Tuomas Tahvanainen

Dirk Lange

Damien Malone

Marcel Coopman

Anja Zibert

Stan Altshuller

Daniela Esteves

Alexandre Jundi

Kevin Smith

Oleg Abashev

Valerie Marcel

Andreas Georgiou

Roberto Cava

Nicolo Marin

Bosco Chong

Babatunde Sodipo

Vinson Vaz

Muhammad Kalim

Dov Weinstein

Lee Ogden

Adham Obeidat

Max Dymoke

Federico Richardson

Julio Makouba

Evren Ozmen

Szergej Schumann

Petros Theodotou

Amit Mulgund

Axel Konrath

Rafael Ferrer

Greg Mawer

Ashley Boroda

Giampiero Gugliotta

Peter Filitz

Nadia Ibtiouene

Melisa Chiaradia

Sousana Kalfa

Michael Millar

Qian Hong Liang

Adrien Sicard

Daniel Rodriguez

Dr Gopal Kutwaroo

Dr Mohamed Es Fih


Vision for a More Integrated Ecosystem

Welcome to the heart of Linkxar Founders Network, where our structure is as innovative as the startups we support. Our global startup ecosystem is designed not just to connect entrepreneurs but to create a thriving community where innovation, support, and growth intermingle seamlessly.


Leadership and Governance Structure

At the core of Linkxar Founders Network lies our unwavering commitment to integrity and excellence. Our leadership and governance structure is designed to reflect these values, ensuring that we remain focused on our mission to empower startups. We understand that a well-defined structure is critical for fostering a dynamic environment where entrepreneurs can flourish.


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